
In today’s world and constantly shifting economy, it isn’t enough to be prepared and “just about” survive.

In a globally competitive world, individuals and companies are constantly challenged.

With plunging profits, falling stock markets and one-time prized companies taking a beating, the writing on the wall is clear. It is time to innovate. It is time to think entrepreneurship.

Where people see problems, N1 Group see possibilities

Turning entrepreneur and being successful at that, is no mean feat. To be able to combine the strengths of vision with courage and the ability to fight all odds is indeed unique and this spirit needs to be acknowledged, appreciated and applauded. History is littered with sterling examples of remarkable individuals who have turned possibilities into concrete success stories.” The world is filled with opportunities just waiting to be found by the energetic and intelligent person who is seeking.” The entrepreneur, then, typifies the person “who is seeking”. Seeking the opportunities. Seeking to succeed. Seeking to create a slice of history.

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WomenEmpowermentPic2Empowering women…

Women have a unique position in the economy. An unfavorable woman-man ratio and strong patriarchal roots, entrepreneurship and access to funds have been difficult. Even in a developed country like the U.S., it is estimated that at the peak of VC funded projects back in 1997, women received as less as 2% of institutional venture capital money.

It is therefore immensely creditworthy that co-operatives have been created that have encouraged women to seek self-reliance and economic freedom. Entrepreneurs that seek to foster the economic empowerment of women by helping them to become successful entrepreneurs.

N1 Group can help in setting up SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association).
It is an organization of self-employed women workers who earn a living through their own labor or small businesses.

N1 Group seeks to foster the economic empowerment of women by helping them to become successful entrepreneurs.

But so much more to do!

  • Create an environment that sets up entrepreneurs to succeed not fail.
  • Developing entrepreneurial skills.
  • Knowledge sharing
  • The importance of technology
  • Legal and regulatory framework

Governments need to have a positive perception of entrepreneurial activity, reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs, and coordinate among their agencies to ensure that the necessary resources are directed where they are needed.